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Flutemotion specializes in the field of fun lesson tools to develop breath control, because as we all know, great breath control is the basis of a beautiful tone. These training tools can be used during flute lessons, but are also effective in lessons for other wind instruments.

Flutemotion also has a range of flutemethods and flutebooks on offer.

You can also find all sorts of fun, original music gadgets.

Flutemotion is the European supplier of the Pneumo Pro. The Pneumo Pro is the most effective tool currently on the market to establish the correct angle of blowing into the flute, developed by the American flutist and pedagogue Kathy Blocki. Click here for more information on the Pneumo Pro.

Flutemotion is the business and online shop of Annemieke de Bruijn.


KinderFluteTM is designed to teach students to love music and learn to play the flute—but that is only the beginning. We have an intense desire to see each child realize their potential in all areas of their lives. Through learning to listen, finger, produce a beautiful tone, read music, compose, and creatively express themselves; students are firing areas of the brain to make learning in all areas more productive. The group lesson are carefully planned to maximize learning potential. Movement and games are a major component in the group classes so that students maintain a keen sense of alertness.

Many of the tenets of the class are based on recent research in neurogenesis (see below) and learning potential.

“Neurogenesis” literally means “birth of neurons”. Neurogenesis is most prevalent during pre-natal development and is the process by which neurons are created to populate the growing brain. Contrary to what was believed 10 years ... Read more

Featured articles and products


The patented Pneumo Pro has helped thousands of new flutists to quickly learn how to have a beautiful tone. Band directors and flute teachers love ... Read more


Flutemotion offers educational and playful breathing gadgets to demonstrate the continuity and the power of the breathing stream. Flutemotion also sells other original music gadgets.

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Flutemotion uses the methods of Kathy Blocki.
You can find more information about the books on the website of Kathy Blocki.

Price list
Student ... Read more


Flute ensemble Fluterie is open to players of all levels. It offers its members the opportunity to improve their technical level. The members are adults ... Read more